Friday, July 31, 2009

Sankar's surprise parting gift.

I closed class in April 2009 , as I was expecting to be preoccupied in the following few months. Sankar came up with a surprise (pleasantly) parting gift that will make any teacher proud. He had done a portrat of me in acrylics on canvas and presented this. Indeed I am a very blessed teacher!
Sankar has captured my likeness very well, as you can see in this portrait; as he is already a very fine charcoal aritst. But the pleasant surprise was because he had done it in color ( acrylic paint on canvas ) as that is what he come to learn. He has cetainly done me very proud.
Here you can see the portrait. Seated with me in the photo is Sankar, and Rajni Rekha- who is also an artist of her own.

still life project

This still life setting is made up of a clay pot, a candle on a candle stand and a sculpture of 'Aries' the Ram (personally sculpted by Janavi - my daughter). The lighting is given from the right side. Sankar and Arthi seated themselves at different angles from the setting and did their respective observations on canvas.
You can see that they have chosen different colors and perspective (closer view and farther view) . Their finished work by both artists was very impressive, as you can see here in the photos. The closer view is done by Sankar, and the farther view is done by Arthi.

Sankar and Arthi are doing their still life project from two different angles.

Sankar with portraits

I was very pleasantly surprised when Sankar presented these charcoal paintings of my granddaughter. Sankar is a great charcoal painting artist, and is a pro at portraits. He has done many portratis of celebrities, and his strong point being - 'expressve eyes'.

Arthi, Balaji, Manju and Sankar enjoying doing art.

Manju, Arthi and Balaji

Manju, Arthi and Balaji are totally absorbed in their respective creative works.